13 November 2010


X, a student of the University of Illinois, obtained access to a Xerox Sigma V mainframe computer in the university's Materials Research Lab. Through friendly operators, he received an account with a virtually unlimited amount of computer time; its value at that time has since been variously estimated at $100,000 or $100,000,000. X said he wanted to "give back" this gift by doing something that could be considered to be of great value.
Also he named his project after a fifteenth century German Printer, who propelled the movable type printing press revolution.

Id X, the project he started and what did he do to "give back". Also mention the first work in his project.


AttitudeMonger said...

Project Gutenberg by Michael Hart?

Aravind V said...

His 'first work in this project' was the US Declaration of Independence. He happened to have a copy in his bagpack