25 February 2011


Samuel Wilson (September 13, 1766 - July 31, 1854) was a meat-packer from Troy, New York.At the time of the War of 1812, Samuel Wilson was a prosperous middle-aged meat-packer in Troy. He obtained a contract to supply beef to the Army in its campaign further north, which he shipped in barrels.During this time Samuel Wilson indirectly became the source of something, which made him popular throughout
Samuel is source to what and how?



Siddarth Pai said...

they called it packages from uncle sam
hence the US is called Uncle Sam

Mohit Verma said...

Samuel Wilson's name is the source to Uncle Sam
The initials US(United States) were printed on his meat packages, but the soldiers interpreted US as Uncle Sam(for fun) as the packages were sent by Uncle Sam
Apollo Creed(Rocky I) was dressed as Uncle Sam in his fight with Rocky Balboa