15 July 2011

Max Round-4 +10 & -5

Which star is brightest star in the night sky? Its name in Ancient Greek means "glowing" or "scorcher". ____ appears bright because of both its intrinsic luminosity and its proximity to Earth. At a distance of 2.6 parsecs (8.6 ly), its system is one of Earth's near neighbors. ____ is also known colloquially as the "Dog Star". ______ A is about twice as massive as the Sun and has an absolute visual magnitude of 1.42. It is 25 times more luminous than the Sun. The system is between 200 and 300 million years old. It was originally composed of two bright bluish stars. The more massive of these, ______ B, consumed its resources and became a red giant before shedding its outer layers and collapsing into its current state as a white dwarf around 120 million years ago. 


Francis Brice Dsouza said...


pradyumna said...

sirius is the star name. in hp series, harry's godfather is siruis black.

Kevin Bernard said...

Sirius B

Kevin Bernard said...

Sirius A tooo......BASICALLY SIRIUS

Kevin Bernard said...

BTW : THE THEME IS "HARRY POTTER" should i explain in detail or will this do ?

trawler said...

I dunno if u will accept this. It is 10:15 :P
