19 July 2011

Movie Mania Question 6.

The _____ equilibrium concept is used to analyze the outcome of the strategic interaction of several decision makers. In other words, it is a way of predicting what will happen if several people or several institutions are making decisions at the same time, and if the outcome depends on the decisions of the others. This concept was named after the mathematician who discovered it. This mathematician was the subject of an Academy Award winning movie. Name the movie and the actor who portrayed this mathematician.


Kevin Bernard said...

a beautiful mind
based on JOHN NASH
played by russel crowe

pradyumna said...

a beautiful mind played by russell crowe.
concept is nash equilibrium concept. he played kevin/john nash. not sure.

Kevin Bernard said...

btw the blank is NASH

Mohit Verma said...

A Beautiful Mind, Russell Crowe